
Showing posts with the label Me Made May

Me Made May 2016: roundup and realisations.

 Me Made May (MMM) is an annual event organised by British sewing blogger Zoe, and now in its sixth year. It's a personal challenge for sewists to wear their handmades, and an opportunity to share the sewing goodness online. The idea is that it's an individual challenge, so people can choose their own goals that work for them. This is the second year that we've taken part at The Drapery. Our own aims were: - to wear at least one item of 'me made' clothing every day of May (usually more) - to document our outfits on the days we work at The Drapery, via our Instagram account - to demonstrate how our garments work on a day-to-day basis rather than just in the 'we just finished this' blog posts - to inspire our customers with a variety of practical garments/outfits - to learn about our individual wardrobes: what we reach for, what we need etc. We've enjoyed following along with others' MMM posts on social media, in particular observing h...

On Me Made May, self-perception and embracing the FBA

Hello, it's Jane here with a rather long and introspective blog post! Those of you following The Drapery on Instagram will have seen that we were posting photos for 'Me Made May', an initiative started a few years ago by blogger Zoe of 'So, Zo... what do you know? '. Sewists pledge to wear 'me-made' clothes - as much as they wish to commit to - and document their outfits for the month of May. Now, I don't know how to link to Instagram since I'm not on there myself but if you are, you can look up The Drapery and have a peek. Warning: possibly TMI to follow Now, I'm kind of putting myself out there in this post and examining my body shape and probably providing Too Much Information, but I hope it's useful to sewists out there! Me Made May is a bit different to sewists posting pretty posed pics of their freshly-made garments. Not that there's anything wrong with that! But MMM shows what really is worn day-to-day, how it's w...