Pattern review: The Laneway Dress by Jennifer Lauren Handmade, in Outback Wife barkcloth

When New Zealand designer Jennifer Lauren put out a call for pattern reviewers to help spread the word about her designs, I shot up my hand. I've admired many of her patterns but had not yet sewn one. And I'd recently purchased her latest, the Laneway Dress , on first sight. I'd even had it printed already, so this was the perfect incentive to make it happen. What I loved about the Laneway Dress pattern before I even made it: inclusive sizing from 6 - 24 separate bodices for B, C and D cups (yayyy!) that fabulous asymmetrical collar, plus two other options pockets flared, hip-skimming skirt without gathers bust shaping with tucks at centre front. I had some precious Gertrude Made 'Outback Wife' cotton barkcloth stashed for a summer frock. The retro floral was the perfect match for the Laneway. But first, using some old fabric from out the back of the shop, I made a muslin of the bodice and sleeves. Here's a (thankfully) very poor quality pho...