Merchant & Mills: The Trapeze Dress

When we first started stocking Merchant & Mills patterns, they told us that the Trapeze Dress was their biggest seller. Blinded by the goodness of some of the other M&M dresses like the Factory and Dress Shirt, we were resistant to the allure of the Trapeze until a customer came in wearing one she made out of a heavy, drapey denim. It looked fantastic. Finally, the pen ny dropped - we got it! I've since made this pattern up twice. The first version, in black washed linen (above, b lack linen currently out of stock ), has become one of my most reached-for handmades. It's easy to wear and layers up well on cooler days. The Trapeze is also a great one to wear out for dinner: there's a lot of volume in that there skirt - second helping s are no problem! I could smuggle my smallest child under there if the need ever arose. Hence my second version , a party Trapeze, made from Tsumiki black & metallic gold linen. ( Black also sold out, but nat...