Twelve Days of Handmade Christmas - Day 4: Half-Metre Tote Bag

The fourth in our series of Twelve (non-consecutive) Days of Handmade Christmas from The Drapery. Handmade Christmas gifts are thoughtful, cost-effective and kind to the earth. And they're just as rewarding to give as they are to receive. Half-Metre Tote Bag Whip up this super-simple tote bag with just a half-metre cut of any 110cm fabric (e.g. quilting cotton, cotton/linen blend), plus a wee bit of interfacing. Here's how! With your half metre x 110cm piece, cut 10cm strips off each end, and cut the remaining part in half. Pin the two large pieces right sides together and sew down one side, across the bottom and up the other side, about 1/2" (12mm) from the edge. Trim the edges and finish with a zigzag stitch to prevent fraying. At one bottom corner, open out and re-fold the point so that the seams are touching down the middle. Mark a line to sew across it about 2" from the point. Sew, backstitching at each end, cut off the corner and zigz...